Getting Things Done (GTD) with Todoist

Getting Things Done (GTD) is a popular, five-step time-management method that’s based on the idea of getting everything out of your head and onto your to-do list. It reduces stress and forgetfulness by helping you focus on completing tasks rather than trying to remember them.

Set up a GTD workflow with Todoist

Get up and running with GTD in Todoist by following these 5 steps:

  1. Capture every task that comes to mind in your Todoist Inbox. Quickly type or dictate tasks as they occur to you using everyday language like “send invoice on May 3” or “water the plants every 4 days starting June 20 ending Sept 30.”
  2. Clarify your captured tasks and make sure that they are actionable with concrete next steps. If not, delete them. If the task takes less than 2 minutes, do it right away (we suggest using a @two_minutes label for these tasks).
  3. Organize your tasks from your Todoist Inbox into specific projects. Split complex tasks into more manageable action items using sub-tasks. Assign dates, deadlines, labels, and priority levels for even better organization.
  4. Reflect on your progress often by reviewing your current, upcoming, and completed tasks to make sure you're setting realistic dates and priority levels. Enable and review your Todoist Karma to determine your daily, weekly, and monthly productivity and adjust your workload as needed. Ensure you're giving yourself time to complete tasks and clear your mind in between, as well.
  5. Engage with your tasks by working on them! Be efficient by prioritizing tasks based on time available, your energy level, or a task’s urgent/low priority.


GTD and Getting Things Done are registered trademarks of David Allen & Co. Todoist is not affiliated with David Allen & Co. or Getting Things Done.

Learn more

If you want to continue reading to see if GTD is the right method for you, check out our Getting Things Done productivity guide, complete with tips on how to get started and how to customize it to meet your needs.